New Website – Pheel Good Films

Hey all – looks like Pheel Good Films (our team for the 48-Hour Film Project in ’11 and ’12) is becoming more and more an entity all its own.

S0, it’s my pleasure to introduce Pheel Good Films – The Website. Check out past 48HFP entries (under our myriad team names) as well as a couple of shorts – including “Cubed: A Love Story” which will be screening on 8/24/12 at Film Dayton, as part of Flick My Clip – a 90-minute compilation of comedic shorts.

If you’re going to be anywhere near Dayton, OH (of if you’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket to see a 4 1/2 minute movie) come on out to Film Dayton – Flick My Clip starts at 8pm.

Thanks to Ryan Singer for accepting our little flick into the flock!

‘Til next time…

48-Hour Film Project… (updated)

Well, another 48HFP is in the can, film submitted, 3 trailers cut and posted online [Trailer #1 | Trailer #2 | Trailer #3].

Pheel Good Films put together one hell of a flick – and was an amazing team to work with – I’m damned honored to have been part of it.

Now’s the hard part – the withdrawal. I just wanna keep making movies. All the time. I’ve pulled out a couple of scripts I’ve been sitting on for a while, and am now trying to cobble together the time to shoot something that may satiate me until the 2012 48HFP rolls around.

It won’t work, but it’ll take edge off – like weening myself off a drug. Could try and go cold turkey, but I don’t think my system could take the shock.

Anyone want to make a movie?!?

Here’s The Continued Adventures Of…, the flick we turned in. Enjoy.

Pet Peeve…

Ladies and gentlemen, just because your publication is online, you are not excused from the rules governing grammar and spelling.

I can forgive the informal blog or personal site – but when there are spelling errors (in this day and digital age) all through an article on CNN, it surprises and disappoints me.

I’m not perfect – not even close. But we’ve let our standards lapse a bit.

Ok, I’m done complaining. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday, and a terrific weekend. I get to take my niece Penny’s 3-month pictures Sunday, so I’m excited!

Til next time…

Who Dey…?

I’m not sure if this is Parker’s “hoping for a good Bengals season” face, or his “hoping for ANY Bengals season” face.

Or maybe it’s his “I’m tired of millionaire athletes fighting over more millions, so screw them all, let’s just watch a movie instead” face. It’s hard to tell with kids, since they can’t verbally articulate what’s on their minds.

Hakuna Matata…

No idea if I spelled the title of this post correctly or not. Ah well.

Television Shows…

I’m quite sure I’m not the only one that’s noticed the trend over the last, oh, decade or so. To have a hit show, it has to either be a cop drama, a medical drama, or a cop/medical drama. CSI. Law and Order. Bones. House. ER. CSI/Law and Order: Random City.  You get the point.

Or, there’s always the “reality” route… which is really just staged drama without a script. If you watch the credits on an episode of “The Real World” you’ll notice  that there is a credit given to mulitple people as “story editors.” ‘Nuff said.

And I won’t even get started on the slew of glorified karaoke contests (please, God, let “Idol” go away soon) that have spread like a particularly agressive virus. Continue reading

Don’t Mess With P…


He has super powers.



Over our recent family vacation to Hilton Head, I had an opportunity to shoot a new “Revenge of…” flick with my favorite partner-in-crime, Dash McCormick*. Just so happened he and his awesome family were on the island the same week, so we got his newphews (six and eight years old) to the beach and had them kick the crap out of our hapless monster (I’ll post a link to the video once I tweak it a bit – caught a fairly major blunder in the rough cut.) Had a blast shooting it, almost as much fun cutting it, and I like to think that Johnny, Joey, and Dash* had a pretty good time, too.

But it did get me all cranked up to make more movies – and thank God that the 48-Hour Film Project hits Cincinnati again the first week of August! We’re currently putting together our crack team (no, not a team on crack) to make some magic happen – hopefully we’ll have all our favorite and familiar faces back, just wouldn’t be the same without any of them (and frankly, the idea of possibly directing kind of scares the sh*t out of me – I’ve watched too good a man do it the last few years… that’s a big viewfinder to fill.)

One way or the other, and whatever role(s) I may be playing in the production, August 5 cannot get here soon enough. If anyone is interested in being part of the team, hit me up – we’re always looking for more folks to join the fun.

‘Til next time…

*names have been changed to protect the innocent

Afraid of the Dark…

So, the last couple of nights my son (who is all of 17 months old) has started fussing like crazy when we put him down for bed. He has no problems laying in his bed for naps, but at night it’s another story – one that is mostly screamed, as he does his best fire alarm impression. Kind of leads us to believe that something in his room is freaking him out – a shadow, a stuffed animal, or maybe even just the dark itself. Seems reasonable, right?

Then we think about it – well, he’s 17 months old. Could be (yet another) new tooth. Could be the fact that the last couple of weeks have thrown him out of his routine (1st family vacation!). Could be something else that he’s entirely incapable of communicating to us, because, well, he’s 17 months old.

Now we’re back at square one. We have a fussy kid, and zero idea why. Harrumph, I say.

I really don’t have a point to this post, mostly just clearing the mind before I fall asleep at the keyboard. But I’m of course open to suggestions, so feel free to sound off. Otherwise, I’m going to go to my bed and sleep…

…with a nightlight.